Helping Women Learn To Love Their Authentic Selves

Main Office: 138 W. 25th St., New York, NY 10001

Parent Coaching

Healthy relationships with your child/teen are possible

Do you and your child have problems connecting?

Is your child or teen having behavior issues and you don’t know the cause?
Does it feel like your child’s behavior is out of control and you aren’t sure how to manage it?
Do you want a better relationship with your child or teen, but don’t know where to start?
Are you wondering how to co-parent successfully after a recent divorce or break up?
Has your child or teen experienced a major life change or transition recently and
they’re not handling it well?

It can feel stressful and overwhelming when your child is struggling.  You try to set boundaries and punish misbehavior, but despite your best efforts it doesn’t improve. They continue to throw tantrums, yell at you, and break rules. You’ve tried giving them everything they ask for, but they still won’t listen. You’ve tried being more open, having conversations around things you think they’ll be interested in, and trying to show interest in their hobbies but it just isn’t working.

For some reason, you can’t seem to communicate in a way that leads to them opening up to you the way you’d like. Instead they continue to distance themselves and show more interest in their hobbies and friends, or spending time with themselves. As a parent, you can’t seem to figure out if it’s something you’ve done or if they’re going through something with friends, at school, or none of the above. To top it off you happen to have a co-parent, the two of you may not agree on the best way to handle these changes, which is causing a rift or stress in your relationship.

Every Family Experiences Bumps In the Road

In an ideal world, wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in your family had strong, healthy relationships?!?! Would make for a lot less drama right? Communicating one’s thoughts and feelings would be the norm in your household, and the family bond would be strong. Your young kids would just simply follow your rules. Your kids and teens would want to hang out with you any chance they got, and it would be magical. You see these types of relationships on tv and maybe those in your circle have that type of relationship with their kids and you admire it. However, right now that’s not your reality. Despite how lonely it may feel, it is not uncommon to have obstacles in your relationship with your kids. It’s funny as parents it’s easy to forget that kids, no matter how young, are little people. They’re humans who have emotions and experience things like stress, peer pressure, bullying, and anxiety.

Your child has a personality of their own and they will respond to things just like you. The difference between you and your child is they don’t always know how to express their emotions. Fear or anxiety about going to school may look like them misbehaving in class or avoiding being social. If they’re unhappy about something at home, instead of telling you directly they may become disobedient, throw temper tantrums, or just isolate themselves completely. While this may seem like things that only a teen would do, the truth is these behaviors aren’t uncommon in children of all ages.

This change in behavior can cause tension and frustration in your household, as everyone feels unheard or misunderstood. Your child is experiencing things that they might not be able to fully process or understand, which makes it harder for them to communicate with you. Those days spent in their room by themselves may be more than just wanting a little “me time,” this may be the only way they know how to deal with whatever is bothering them. All the while you’re walking around overwhelmed and confused about what to do or how to handle it. You feel like you’ve exhausted all of your options, and you know that if you don’t figure out what’s going on soon this behavior could snowball into bigger disruptions at home and school.

As parents we just want what’s best for our kids and to have a healthy, loving relationship with them. It’s not always easy. And despite ALL those books that exist, sometimes the answers don’t feel so clear. And while we are trying our absolute best for our kids, sometimes we don’t know how to handle and manage a difficult situation. If not managed, these feeling of helplessness will  continue to grow and may impact not only your relationship with your child, but also your feelings about yourself and your relationships with others. While you may not have the kind of relationship or experience with your kids that you want right now, the good news is with Parent Coaching you can learn tools for better communication and ways you can improve your relationship.


Parent Coaching Can Help You Build and Maintain A Better Relationship

At Renewed Focus, we provide sessions solely focused on helping you improve your parenting skills. We also provide individual sessions for teens and family sessions for the entire family. Our goal with parent coaching is to provide a safe space where you can share your struggles with parenting without judgment. We are here to help you feel empowered to build amazing relationships with your children and teens. In our initial sessions, we will take the time to get to know you.

We encourage those involved in the primary caregiving of your child to be part of sessions. We will take time to get to know you, your history, and your experiences with caregivers. We will also take a detailed history of the issues that are bringing you to treatment and explore what has and hasn’t worked thus far. Finally, we will work together to identify goals for therapy.

From there, we will develop a plan to help you all get to your goals using various evidence-based skills and strategies. Ultimately, the goal is for you to stop feeling helpless in your household and start feeling empowered to love and develop meaningful relationships with your child.

But You Still May Have Questions About Parent Coaching

Why do I need therapy if my child/teen is struggling? Shouldn’t this just be for my child?

You are correct that your child may benefit from therapy. Teens can be referred to our practice and we have great referrals for child therapists. At the same time, research indicates that kids have the best outcomes when their parents are also working on skills as well. Remember, your family is a system. And often, when a child or teen is having difficulty, there’s typically something going on with the entire system. Engaging in parent coaching means that you are working on your part while you child is doing their part. At Renewed Focus, parent coaching starts with a consultation where we can learn more about what’s going on and discuss how we can help.

What if I want my entire family to attend therapy?

We offer family therapy, which allows parents and kids the opportunity to come together in a safe space to talk about what’s going on. It can be hard to build a relationship and move forward if you don’t know how everyone is feeling, including siblings. Sometimes families want to start with family therapy and other times, they want to just start with parents. A free consultation with us can help you figure out the best path moving forward.

Is Parent Coaching Expensive?

It’s important that you look at parent coaching as an investment in your family. An investment that could lead to less tension, fighting, and a healthy relationship with your kids. We want you to feel like therapy is one of the best investments you made. Like this investment makes complete and total sense because of your new found sense of peace and family dynamic.

While we are not paneled with any insurance companies, we still believe in helping our clients obtain the best possible care. We are Out of Network Providers, which means we can help you submit claims to your insurance so that you can take advantage of your out of network benefits. We take care of that process (if you would like) so you do not have to worry about any of the red tape or paperwork. We also gladly accept vouchers from the Love Land Foundation to help offset the cost of your therapy. Please don’t let cost be your barrier. Give us a call and let’s talk about it.

Parent Coaching Can Help You Revive Your Family Relationships

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to take the next step and are interested in reaching out to one of our therapists? If you think Renewed Focus is a good fit, we invite you to contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.